Tuesday 19 November 2013

Primary Research Questionnaire

1. Which masthead do you think will work the best for a rock magazine?
  • Shazam! 1
  • Bang! 2
  • Ba-Bam! 7

2. What gender are you? 
  • Male 5
  • Female 5

3. What is your preferred music genre? 
  • Rock 5
  • Pop 3
  • Indie 2

4. What age range do you think a rock magazine is aimed at?
  • 10-15 0
  • 16-20 2
  • 21-30 8

5. How often do you buy music magazines? 
  • Never 4
  • Once a month 5
  • Once a week 1

6. What price are you willing to pay for a weekly music magazine? 
  • £5-£4 2
  • £3-£2 5
  • £1-50p 3

7. How many numbers of pages do you think a music magazine should have? 
  • 10-25 1
  • 25-50 5
  • 50-90 4

8. What kind of adverts would you like to see in a music magazine? 
  • Music gigs/festivals 7
  • Offers in certain shops 1
  • Instruments for sale 2 

9. Do you currently buy music magazines? 
  • Yes 6
  • No 4

10. What would you like to see feature in a music magazine? 
  • News/competitions 2
  • Interviews/reviews 3
  • Gig guides/up and coming 5

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