Friday 1 November 2013

What I have learn't from Music Magazine Research

From my music magazine research, i have learn't that the colour scheme has to fit the genre of the magazine. I know that the most successful colours are red, black, and white, so I will use these colours whilst producing my music magazine.
I also learn't that the layout of the magazine has to be set out in a suitable way so it is clear for the reader to understand. The contents page is very important as it needs to invite the reader in, this is done by using interesting information and images so the reader is interested at all times.
I have decided to chose the genre rock when producing my music magazine, I chose this because I know a lot of things about rock and will have lots information to put in the magazine. I am aiming my magazine at the the target audience of 16 - 25 year olds, mostly males because of the genre of the magazine.

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