Tuesday 19 November 2013

Charts for Questionnaire Primary Research

This graph shows what masthead I am going to be using for my music magazine. Most people prefered 'Ba-bam!'.
I asked an equal amount of genders because I wanted fair results.
I found out that most people preferred the music genre rock. This has given me a clear idea of what genre I will chose for my magazine.
A large selection of people think that a rock magazine should be aimed at the target audience of people aged 21-30.
From this graph I know that some people buy music magazines once a month, but still a large section don't purchase music magazines at all.
The price people are willing to pay for a music magazine would be £3-£2, so I am going to set the price of my magazine at £2.50.
This graph suggests that the right amount of pages for my magazine would be between 25-50 pages.
Most people would like to see adverts about up coming gigs and festivals.
Most of the people I asked said that they do purchase magazines. This is a good to know, as a large section of people already purchase from the music industry.
Most people would like to see gig guides and up coming events featured in the magazine.
From this chart, I know that most people would like a website which they can access with a magazine.
The most preferd slogons is 'Uncovering the Biggest Tunes' I think people chose this slogon because it is simple but still effective.
From doing this questionnaire, it has given me a clear idea of what I need to feature in my music magazine to make it successful. 

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