Tuesday 26 November 2013

Analysis of Questionnaire and Magazine Target Audience

From producing my questionnaire, I have a clear idea of what genre my magazine will be and what ideas I could incorporate into my magazine.

From my results, I now know that my genre for the magazine will be Rock, as this is the most popular genre and the genre most people want to read about. This genre will work as I feel I know more about rock which will help produce more ideas to go into the magazine. Because I chose the genre Rock, my magazine will be targeted at the age group of 21-30. I think this age group is appropriate as this age range is the type who enjoy listening to rock and buying music magazines.

I wanted my masthead to be recognizable and eye catching, so I asked the question 'Which masthead do you prefer?', 10% of the peopleI asked said they prefered 'Shazam!', 20% of the people prefered 'Bang!' and 70% of the people prefered 'Ba-Bam!'. This gives me a definate decision that 'Ba-Bam!' will be the perfect masthead for my magazine.

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