Tuesday 26 November 2013

Analysis of Questionnaire and Magazine Target Audience

From producing my questionnaire, I have a clear idea of what genre my magazine will be and what ideas I could incorporate into my magazine.

From my results, I now know that my genre for the magazine will be Rock, as this is the most popular genre and the genre most people want to read about. This genre will work as I feel I know more about rock which will help produce more ideas to go into the magazine. Because I chose the genre Rock, my magazine will be targeted at the age group of 21-30. I think this age group is appropriate as this age range is the type who enjoy listening to rock and buying music magazines.

I wanted my masthead to be recognizable and eye catching, so I asked the question 'Which masthead do you prefer?', 10% of the peopleI asked said they prefered 'Shazam!', 20% of the people prefered 'Bang!' and 70% of the people prefered 'Ba-Bam!'. This gives me a definate decision that 'Ba-Bam!' will be the perfect masthead for my magazine.

Monday 25 November 2013

Extra Market Research Questions

11. Would you like to access a website with a music magazine?
  • Yes 8
  • No 2
12. Which of the following slogons do you prefer?
  • Best Music Around 1
  • Uncovering the Biggest Tunes 7
  • Music That Makes You Cool 2

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Charts for Questionnaire Primary Research

This graph shows what masthead I am going to be using for my music magazine. Most people prefered 'Ba-bam!'.
I asked an equal amount of genders because I wanted fair results.
I found out that most people preferred the music genre rock. This has given me a clear idea of what genre I will chose for my magazine.
A large selection of people think that a rock magazine should be aimed at the target audience of people aged 21-30.
From this graph I know that some people buy music magazines once a month, but still a large section don't purchase music magazines at all.
The price people are willing to pay for a music magazine would be £3-£2, so I am going to set the price of my magazine at £2.50.
This graph suggests that the right amount of pages for my magazine would be between 25-50 pages.
Most people would like to see adverts about up coming gigs and festivals.
Most of the people I asked said that they do purchase magazines. This is a good to know, as a large section of people already purchase from the music industry.
Most people would like to see gig guides and up coming events featured in the magazine.
From this chart, I know that most people would like a website which they can access with a magazine.
The most preferd slogons is 'Uncovering the Biggest Tunes' I think people chose this slogon because it is simple but still effective.
From doing this questionnaire, it has given me a clear idea of what I need to feature in my music magazine to make it successful. 

Primary Research Questionnaire

1. Which masthead do you think will work the best for a rock magazine?
  • Shazam! 1
  • Bang! 2
  • Ba-Bam! 7

2. What gender are you? 
  • Male 5
  • Female 5

3. What is your preferred music genre? 
  • Rock 5
  • Pop 3
  • Indie 2

4. What age range do you think a rock magazine is aimed at?
  • 10-15 0
  • 16-20 2
  • 21-30 8

5. How often do you buy music magazines? 
  • Never 4
  • Once a month 5
  • Once a week 1

6. What price are you willing to pay for a weekly music magazine? 
  • £5-£4 2
  • £3-£2 5
  • £1-50p 3

7. How many numbers of pages do you think a music magazine should have? 
  • 10-25 1
  • 25-50 5
  • 50-90 4

8. What kind of adverts would you like to see in a music magazine? 
  • Music gigs/festivals 7
  • Offers in certain shops 1
  • Instruments for sale 2 

9. Do you currently buy music magazines? 
  • Yes 6
  • No 4

10. What would you like to see feature in a music magazine? 
  • News/competitions 2
  • Interviews/reviews 3
  • Gig guides/up and coming 5

Friday 1 November 2013

What I have learn't from Music Magazine Research

From my music magazine research, i have learn't that the colour scheme has to fit the genre of the magazine. I know that the most successful colours are red, black, and white, so I will use these colours whilst producing my music magazine.
I also learn't that the layout of the magazine has to be set out in a suitable way so it is clear for the reader to understand. The contents page is very important as it needs to invite the reader in, this is done by using interesting information and images so the reader is interested at all times.
I have decided to chose the genre rock when producing my music magazine, I chose this because I know a lot of things about rock and will have lots information to put in the magazine. I am aiming my magazine at the the target audience of 16 - 25 year olds, mostly males because of the genre of the magazine.

Music Magazine Analysis - Slideshare