Saturday 19 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does the media product represent a particular social group?

The aim of my product was to appeal to a certain social group, specifically 21-30 year olds who are into rock music and favour rebellious rock groups like "Guns N Roses". I feel my completed product achieved this in many ways.    

The image I used for my front cover is inspired by Florence Welch's front cover of NME. I used this pose as I think it is simple yet effective and creates that rebellious and attitude look. This is also look is also created from the models styled hair, heavy eye make-up, and over the top jewellery. Although this might stereotype a typical rock fan, I think it is the perfect main image for my front cover, as it obvious to the reader that the magazine is a rock genre.
Even though I took inspiration from NME's front cover, the front cover was designed to appeal to my target audience in a similar way Kerrang! does, they are informal and the people featured in their magazine are usually rock or punk genre artists.

This is the direction I wanted to aim for when producing my magazine. The pose can be described as casual, edgy and simple. I wanted to achieve the same effect by creating a simple pose of my female model by using a mid-shot of her, meaning her attitude can be seen through her facial expressions rather than her body language.

The contents page represents its social group by the images, such as the rebellious clothing and use of editing the pictures black and white to create a dark, gothic look.

The bands mentioned on the contents page heavily reflect the social group, as it is the type of music they would listen to. The language used also reflects this, such as phrases like, "Immi D, the new queen of rock", this reflects the immaturity of the social group BA-BAM is targeted at.

In the article, the best representational aspects can be seen again from the images used but also the textual content. For example, the images show immaturity and attitude whilst at a photo shoot. 
The colour scheme is targeted at a particular social group, as they are similar colours found in Kerrang!.

The second page of my article features a photograph of the artist. The mise-en-scene of this image would hopefully appeal to the social group, and the models outfit also. I chose for my model to have this facial expression, as I wanted her to be taken seriously by the readers.

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