Monday 30 September 2013

School Magazine - First draft

This is my first draft for my school magazine. Even though it is a rough drat I feel as though it has everything that I need for my magazine cover.

On this image you can see the splash I decided to use 'Art Students Get Work Put In Local Gallery!'. I used the colour red for my splash because after researching other magazines I found out it is the most effective colour and it is very eye-catching and will attract more customers.
On my footer line I put ' Win Free Lunch in this Weeks Competition', this is also my pug for my cover. I used yellow as it stands out and makes you want to read the information.

This image shows my header bar 'Lucy Jones Gets Lead Part in Play', I used this quote as it relates to school life and it would let pupils know the gossip. This image also shows my masthead 'School Goss', I choose this masthead as it suits the teenage generation, making it more likely for my target audience to read the magazine.

The main image of my magazine cover is a pupil wearing school uniform. I decided to with this idea because it is simple, but effective and relevant to the school theme.

These next two images show my sell lines that I chose to use. I tried to use things that would interest the readers, for example 'PROM 2014! Who's going with who?' lots of teenagers would like to read about this sort of thing. I also put information on there about school clubs, 'Save the world! Get involved in our recycling club', I think this would attract some people. I also used a pull quote on my cover, 'SCHOOL FOOD: WHAT DO YOU THINK? "I really enjoy the food in school" this is very effective as it gives other peoples opinion on the situation. I decided to put a subsidiary image with one of my sell lines, 'Pupils are pleased with their results! Congratulations' I put a picture of a pupil holding their results for this. I think this would make the reader want to read more about the article if a subsidiary image is with the sell line.